The very best gold leaf I have found is from Goldleaf Supplies, 24ct SUPERIOR. This is very thick gold leaf which with a lot of practice enables you to gild just with a single layer of gold leaf.
However, its a very expensive option! Therefore I suggest that this is best for advanced users.
A slightly cheaper and thus thinner and a lower ct alternative to the Goldleaf Supplies are these two 23.5ct loose leaves, which will almost certainly need to be double gilded. However, its an excellent quality and after a big of practice you should be able to achieve really excellent results.
A fine clay used to create the cushion between the gessoed surface and the gold, enabling it to be burnished.
A number of types, but my favourite is
by Charbonnel. Red bole gives a nice warmth to the gold leaf, but if doing a trickey frame, for example, then a yellow bole masks any little areas that the leaf has missed.
I prefer a pure, non coloured cooking gelatine used in cooking to hide glue for mixing with the bole, and you can purchase it from your local food store. (Industrial gelatine is good, but is stronger and so needs a slightly greater ratio of water to gelatine).
A ratio of 1part gelatine to 10parts water.
Cotton wool balls or pieces are used to press the gold onto the bole, and to gently burnish the surface once dried.
70% vodka, 30% water, used to attach the gold leaf to the bole surface.
Made of agate or dogs tooth, they come in a variety of sizes. An L shape medium size is a good one to start with.
Excellent for handling loose leaf as an alternative to the gilder's tip. A strong paper, such as is used in American Beef Burgers, is ideal.
THIS IS NOT THE SAME A TRANSFER GOLD LEAF which comes on a thin paper backing, and where the thickness of the gold leaf is very, very thin.
A stainless steel, flat edge, sharp knife with a long blade and wooden handle is ideal. You can use any knife, though specialist knives are available and are worth the investment if you are serious about doing gilding.
A suede leather, cushioned pad used to handle the gold leaf. Essential.
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